
The Lab

With an inclusive range of services, Cimatheque’s lab is the place where established filmmakers and enthusiasts alike can resort to explore and experiment with analogue practices. The Lab entails a dark room with hand-processing facilities where films are developed and processed. Additionally, everything from 8mm & 16mm cameras to a diverse range of film stock, lomo tanks, moviolas and projectors are available through the lab. The Lab is equipped with an 8, 9.5,16 & 35mm film digitizing device, a prototype allowing old and new films to be digitized and preserved in digital cinema 2K quality. Because Cimatheque always aims to support and pave ways to the growing community of analogue practitioners in Egypt, introductory workshops in analogue film practice are held regularly and open to all. In addition, workshop programmes for more advanced users, and a range of online tutorials and resources are provided on a regular basis. Get your hands on all our lab services now!