
Archival Consultancy

The Archive Unit at Cimatheque is equipped to provide preservation services for analogue film collections.

If you have an analogue film collection, we can inspect it’s condition and determine whether it’s in a good shape for their digitization. We can also advise you on a preservation strategy. We accept donations of analogue film, particularly those films that are non-commercial, experimental, amateur home videos and found footage.

Inspection – Many film-analogue enthusiasts bring to Cimatheque their family’s old 8 and 16 mm collections. Inspecting such a collection involves assessing the condition of the film and determining whether they can be repaired and digitized.

Digitization services –Analogue film experimentation is on the rise and Cimatheque is equipped to develop your 8 or 16mm negatives.

Preservation strategy consultancy: Apart from housing and storing historically valuable analogue film in our collection, we can also advise you on the best way to store and preserve your analogue film collection.